DOD = "Died of Disease . Those who suffered fatal sickness, as opposed to WOUNDS."
[No Purple Heart awarded]
DNB = "Died Non-Battle . Other line-of-duty deaths, such as from homicide, suicide or
accidents outside combat areas [including training and manuever deaths]." [No Purple Heart awarded]
DOA = "Died of Accident . [Category used in the book Soldiers of the Great War instead of DNB]." [No Purple Heart awarded]
DOW = "Died of Wounds . Persons who were wounded in battle and later died."
[An automatic Purple Heart awarded]
KIA = "Killed in Action . An individual who was killed in action, whether at the front or by enemy action in the rear areas, or if a prisoner of war, whether by air bombardment of his prison camp or by being shot while escaping. [An automatic Purple Heart awarded]
MIA = "Missing in Action/Missing . A casualty classification assigned to combatants, military chaplains, combat medics, and prisoners of war who are reported missing during wartime or ceasefire. They may have been killed, become prisoners of war, wounded, lost at sea, or deserted. If deceased, neither their remains nor grave has been positively identified. Becoming MIA has been an occupational risk for as long as there has been warfare or ceasefire." [Not an automatic Purple Heart awarded]
WIA = "Wounded in Action . An individual who was wounded in action, whether at the front or by enemy action in the rear areas, or if a prisoner of war, whether by air bombardment of his prison camp or by being shot while escaping. [An automatic Purple Heart awarded]
GRADE: This is
synonymous with the misnomer "rank", and the abbreviations which
may be found in these tables are as follows:
MAJ, Major;
CAPT, Captain;
1LT, First Lieutenant;
2LT, Second Lieutenant;
SGT, Sergeant;
CPL, Corporal;
PFC, Private First Class;
CK, Cook;
FAR, Farrier;
SDLR, Saddler;
MEC, Mechanic;
WAG, Wagoner;
PVT, Private;
AS, Apprentice Seaman;
S2C, Seaman 2d class;
Mus2c, Musician 2d class;
PhM3c, Pharmacist's Mate 3d class;
Key to Misc. Abbreviations:
GRS, Graves Registration Service
USAT, U.S. Army Transport, transport ship
The Purple Heart medal ribbon can legally be authorized to only three groups of personnel: (details↗)
First, those wounded or injured as a direct result of hostile enemy action.
Second, those wounded or injured as a direct result of friendly fire (FF). (Broadly speaking, FF occurs only during a hostile encounter or initiative with, or in response to, an enemy when someone on your side mistakes you for the enemy.) Or when injured by your own non-projectile weapon (bayonet, sword, blunt instrument, etc.) or projectile weapons fire (bullet, explosive device, etc) while engaging, responding to or attacking an enemy.
Third, POWs injured or wounded as a result of individually directed conflict or punishment with their captor in violation of any article of the Geneva Convention Rules of Warfare Concerning the Treatment of Prisoners of War whether or not the captor's government is a signatory to the Convention.
The World War One Victory medal can legally be authorized to personnel serving in any military branch in dates 6 Apr 1917 to 11 Nov 1918, even one day.
Abbreviation | Definition |
Adj | Adjutant |
AEF | American Expeditionary Forces |
Aer | Aero [as in Aero Squadron] |
Am | Ammunition |
Amb | Ambulance |
Ammo | Ammunition |
ANC | Army Nurse Corps |
Art | Artillery |
AS | Air Service [started as the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps.] |
ASC | Army Service Corps |
ASSC | Aviation Section of the Signal Corps [Air Service was used for the same.] |
Aut | Automatic |
Bat | Battery [similar to an infantry company.] |
Bde | Brigade |
Bglr | Bugler |
BH | Base Hospital |
Bkry | Bakery |
Bln | Balloon |
Bn | Battalion [unit of a regiment.] |
BS | Bronze Star |
Btry | Battery [similar to an infantry company.] |
CAC | Coast Artillery Corps |
Cas | Casual [as a Cas Co or Cas Det which is waiting further assignment or discharge] |
Cav | Cavalry |
Cfr | Cheuffeur |
Char | Character |
Ck | Cook |
Cl | Class |
Co | Company [unit of a battalion and a regiment.] |
Cons | Construction |
Corp Cpl | Corporal |
Cp | Camp |
Cpt Capt | Captain |
DC | Dental Corps |
Dep | Depot |
Dept | Department |
Det | Detachment [a specialized unit serving a battalion or a regiment.] |
Dev | Development |
Disch | Discharged |
Div | Division |
DSC | Distinguished Service Cross |
Engr | Engineer |
ERC | Enlisted Reserve Corps |
Evac | Evacuation |
FA | Field Artillery |
Far | Farrier |
FCG | French Croix de Guerre |
Fld | Field |
Ft | Fort |
Gd Gds | Guard Guards |
Gen | General |
Gn | Gun |
Grp | Group |
GRS | Graves Registration Service |
Hon | Honorable |
Hosp | Hospital |
Hq | Headquarters |
Hs | Horseshoer |
HT | Hawaiian Territory |
Inf | Infantry |
JG jg | Junior Grade [as in Lt(jg) in the Navy] |
KIA | Killed In Action |
Lt | Lieutenant |
Mach Gn MG | Machine Gun |
Maj | Major |
MC | Medical Corps |
Mch | March |
MD | Medical Department |
Mec | Mechanic |
Med | Medical |
Mob | Mobile |
MP MPC | Military Police Corps |
MTC | Motor Transport Corps |
Mus | Musician |
NG | National Guard |
NSN | No Serial Number |
Ob | Observer |
OLC | Oakleaf Cluster |
ORC | Officer Reserve Corps |
Ord | Ordnance |
OTS | Officer Training School |
P | Post and Philippine |
PC | Panama Canal |
PH | Purple Heart |
PI | Philippine Islands |
Pk | Park |
Prov | Provisional |
Pvt | Private |
QMC | Quartermaster Corps |
Rct | Recruit |
Regt | Regiment |
Repl | Replacement |
Rep | Repair |
Res | Reserve |
Rmt | Remount |
San | Sanitary [Medical Dept] |
SATC | Students Army Training Corps |
SCD | Service Connected Disability |
Sdlr | Saddler |
Sec | Section |
Serv | Service |
Sig C | Signal Corps |
Sgt | Sergeant |
SOS | Service Of Supply |
Sq | Squadron |
SS | Silver Star |
Sta | Station |
Sup | Supply |
TC | Transportation Corps |
Tel | Telegragh or Telephone |
TM | Trench Mortar |
Tn | Train [railroad and wagon trains] |
Tng | Training |
Tr | Troop |
Trk | Truck |
Trng | Training |
USAT | US Army Transport [used with a ship's name] |
VC | Veterinary Corps |
Vet | Veterinarian |
Wag | Wagoner |
WIA | Wounded In Action |