[tex flag]  gold star  WW1 Gold Star Honor Roll of Eastland County Texas - 34 Honorees  gold star  [usa flag]

Click Honoree's LAST FIRST=Plaque CEMETERY=Cemetery PLACE=Rem Bio & Records

Pfc Clyde Aubrey Aycock

1899 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Company D 144th Infantry Regiment
36th Infantry Division

Pvt Edgar Alonzo Bailey

1891 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Company C 141st Infantry Regiment
36th Infantry Division

Pvt Edgar Carl Barnes

1892 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Detachment 1 165th Depot Brigade

Pvt Robert Martin Bishop

1893 - 1918

US Army Company M 163rd Infantry Regiment
41st Infantry Division

Pvt Reid Boon

1893 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Company K 358th Infantry Regiment
90th Infantry Division

2Lt Francis Minor Bryan

1896 - 1919

Air Service of the U.S. Army Ellington Field

Maj John William Butts

1890 - 1919

Air Service of the U.S. Army Souther Field

Pfc Heber Winter Daniels

1894 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Company F 359th Infantry Regiment
90th Infantry Division

Pvt Lewis Alexander Dulin

1896 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Company E 141st Infantry Regiment
36th Infantry Division

Pvt Ernest Clyde Dunnam

1888 - 1918

US Army Company M 141st Infantry Regiment
36th Infantry Division

Pvt Charles Edward Ferguson

1895 - 1918

US Army Company M 163rd Infantry Regiment
41st Infantry Division

Pvt Addison Ware Gentry

1894 - 1918

US Army 30th Company Camp MacArthur
September Auto Replacement Draft

Cpl Roy C. Graves

1895 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Company F 360th Infantry Regiment
90th Infantry Division

Pvt Leslie Monroe Groves

1895 - 1918

US Army 1st Company 7th Provisional Ordnance
Detachment Ordnance Corps

Pvt Alexander S. Halpain

1893 - 1918 [PH]

US Marine Corps 80th Company
2nd Battalion 6th Marine Regiment
2nd Infantry Division

Pvt Jesse B. Herring

1892 - 1918

US Army Company C 111th Engineer Regiment
36th Infantry Division

Pvt Anson Homer James

1895 - 1918

US Army Infirmmary No.3 Medical Department
165th Depot Brigade

Cpl Alvin Mauney

1895 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Company G 142nd Infantry Regiment
36th Infantry Division

Pvt Frank McCoy

1888 - 1918

US Army 31st Company 8th Training Battalion
165th Depot Brigade

Cpl Calip Frank McDermett

1890 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Company D 141st Infantry Regiment
36th Infantry Division

Pvt Henry O'Brien McGraw

1888 - 1918

US Army Company B 124th Infantry Regiment
31st Infantry Division

Pvt James Lee Miller

1891 - 1918

US Army Battery C 133rd Field Artillery Regiment
36th Infantry Division

Cpl Ray Robert Murray

1892 - 1917

US Army Battery D Trench Mortar Battalion
Coast Artillery Corps

Pvt Ernest Fletcher Pettit

1891 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Company D 141st Infantry Regiment
36th Infantry Division

Far William Carroll Porter

1894 - 1918

US Army Veterinary Hospital 8
Veterinary Corps

Pvt Payton Grady Ramsey

1896 - 1918

US Army Company D 124th Infantry Regiment
31st Infantry Division

Pvt William Noah Ross

1886 - 1918

US Army Company G 133rd Infantry Regiment
34th Infantry Division

Sgt George R. Scott

1898 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Company A 141st Infantry Regiment
36th Infantry Division

Pvt William Lee Sirmons

1890 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Company A 142nd Infantry Regiment
36th Infantry Division

Pvt Thomas Roscoe Smith

1890 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Company E 141st Infantry Regiment
36th Infantry Division

Pfc John Thomas

1889 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Company A 125th Infantry Regiment
32nd Infantry Division

Sgt Finis E. Walker

1893 - 1919

US Army Bakery Company 380 Quartermaster Corps

Pvt Fritz William Wende

1890 - 1919

US Army Company B 126th Engineers Regiment
Corps of Engineers

Pfc James B. Wright

1894 - 1918 [PH]

US Army Company M 142nd Infantry Regiment
36th Infantry Division

AYCOCK CLYDE A. Oakwood Cemetery PFC [Army] [ph] CISCO
BAILEY EDGAR A. Scranton Cemetery PVT [Army] [ph] SCRANTON
BARNES EDGAR C. Bullock Cemetery PVT [Army] [ph] RANGER
BISHOP ROBERT M. Long Branch Cemetery PVT [Army] EASTLAND
BOON REID Saint Mihiel American Cemetery PVT [Army] [ph] CISCO
BRYAN FRANCIS M. Oakwood Cemetery 2LT [Air Corps] CISCO
BUTTS JOHN W. US Military Academy Post Cemetery MAJ [Air Corps] CISCO
DANIELS HEBER W. Eastland City Cemetery PFC [Army] [ph] EASTLAND
DULIN LEWIS A. Arlington National Cemetery PVT [Army] [ph] EASTLAND
DUNNAM ERNEST C. Saint Mihiel American Cemetery PVT [Army] EASTLAND
FERGUSON CHARLES E. Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery PVT [Army] NIMROD
GENTRY ADDISON W. Carbon-Restland Cemetery PVT [Army] CARBON
GRAVES ROY C. Oakwood Cemetery CPL [Army] [ph] CISCO
GROVES LESLIE M. Eastland City Cemetery PVT [Army] CARBON
HALPAIN ALEXANDER S. Grove Hill Memorial Park PVT [Marines] [ph] EASTLAND
HERRING JESSE B. Arlington National Cemetery PVT [Army] CISCO
JAMES ANSON H. Rose Hill Cemetery PVT [Army] DESDEMONA
MAUNEY ALVIN Gorman Cemetery CPL [Army] [ph] GORMAN
MCCOY FRANK Lebanon Cemetery PVT [Army] CISCO
MCDERMETT CALIP F. Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery CPL [Army] [ph] CISCO
MCGRAW HENRY O. Cross Roads Cemetery PVT [Army] RANGER
MILLER JAMES L. Eastland City Cemetery PVT [Army] EASTLAND
MURRAY RAY R. Carbon-Restland Cemetery CPL [Army] CARBON
PETTIT ERNEST F. Moran Cemetery PVT [Army] [ph] EASTLAND
ROSS WILLIAM N. Pioneer Cemetery PVT [Army] PIONEER
SCOTT GEORGE R. City of Lubbock Cemetery SGT [Army] [ph] RISING STAR
SIRMONS WILLIAM L. Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery PVT [Army] [ph] RANGER
SMITH THOMAS R. Gunsight Cemetery PVT [Army] [ph] CISCO
THOMAS JOHN Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery PFC [Army] [ph] CISCO
WALKER FINIS E. Oakwood Cemetery SGT [Army] CISCO
WENDE FRITZ Redeemer Lutheran Cemetery PVT [Army] CISCO
WRIGHT JAMES B. Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery PFC [Army] [ph] EASTLAND